Interactive vocabulary exercise from “Saimdang, Light’s Diary” Part 6

Cloze test
with time limit and automatic scoring

Fill in all the gaps and then press the "Check" button at the bottom of the page to check your answers. If the time limit has expired, reload/refresh this page to start all over again, or proceed to the next exercise. (Best viewed on Firefox or Chrome)
   afar      amazing      breaks down      brilliant      conversation      dearly      Dejected      establish      frightened      hone      inspires      massacre      miserable      motives      pathetic      peacock      present-day      Rebuked      refuses      regardless      sacrificed      seal      situation      suspicious      tipsy      tyrant      wander   
Episode 6 recap:

Saimdang tells Lee Gyeom that he’s the one who’s truly , having wasted the last 20 years of his life. She says with fire in her eyes, “At least, I’m taking charge of my life. Do you know what’s the hardest thing for me? It seems like the man I loved so 20 years ago is no longer here. Did the times we had together even exist? That makes me more sad and . Did you call my husband pathetic? To my eyes, you look just that right now!”

Later, after taking care of her children, Saimdang , remembering how she had herself for Lee Gyeom’s sake.

by Saimdang’s words, Lee Gyeom tries to paint again for the next several days. But he fails over and over again. Meanwhile, Saimdang and her children try to make the best of their . They clean up the house and plant a garden. Later on, a Lee Gyeom comes by and sees how happy Saimdang is with her children.

, Lee Gyeom walks away. On his way home, he sees a dog playing with its puppies. He’s reminded of Saimdang playing with her youngest son. The scene him, and he starts painting again.

He sends his painting to Saimdang, who replies to him with a poem.

At present …

Ji-yoon and Han Sang-hyun begin looking for the location of Saimdang’s home in Hanyang (now Seoul). But unknown to them, Prof. Min’s assistants overhear their .

In Joseon …

The King orders Lee Gyeom to an art center for Joseon where people, of class, can their talents in arts and music for free. Lee Gyeom calls the center “Biikdang” after the that Saimdang gave him decades ago.

Min Chi-hyung, a feared by his children, becomes of Lee Gyeom’s . He orders his servant to watch Lee Gyeom and Biikdang.

As all sorts of people come to Biikdang, Hwieumdang passes by and watches Lee Gyeom from .

When Saimdang tells her second son Hyun-ryong that he can’t attend Jungbu School, he walks out of the house. Together with Woo (Saimdang’s youngest son), they around until they reach Biikdang. But the man at the gate to let them in.

Min Chi-hyung visits Lee Gyeom at Biikdang, bringing with him a as a gift. In return, Lee Gyeom gives him a painting of flowers.

Afterwards, as Min Chi-hyung is leaving, he sees Woo (Saimdang’s youngest son) near his litter (“gama”). As he picks up Woo, Saimdang arrives and sees him. She recognizes Min Chi-hyung as the man who led the of the monks and people at the temple.

As a Saimdang takes her son Woo and starts to walk away, Min Chi-hyung orders her to stop.